Worship on the Way to Work
Worship on the Way to Work: a podcast designed to connect us to God as we prepare to start our working day.
Worship on the Way to Work
Announcement: WotW coming to an end
Worship on the Way
We are sad to report that the Worship on the Way to Work Podcast will be coming to an end. There'll be two more regular episodes and two more special episodes, then that'll draw this expression of worship to a close. All episodes will remain available so you can continue to go back and listen to them.
Kara and Stephen will come back for a chat after the final episodes are released. If you have any questions you'd love us to answer, or any feedback, comments, or requests, please let us know ASAP so we can include them in our chat together.
Contact us on the "Worship on the Way to Work" groups Facebook or LinkedIn, or email us at office@worshipontheway.live